By the very nature of its work in the revegetation industry, Tranen is committed to protecting and enhancing the environment. Tranen seeks the commitment of all of its employees, suppliers and subcontractors in protecting the environment, including, but not limited to:
- Maintaining the genetic integrity of its worksites by using seed and seedlings of local provenance;
- Controlling weed species using, as appropriate, manual control and/or approved herbicides applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s and project specifications, as well as taking care to prevent the spread of the seeds of weed species;
- Taking care not to harm existing vegetation and complying strictly with project clearing limits;
- Identifying any declared rare species on a worksite and taking steps to ensure that others are aware of their presence, and do not disturb them;
- Collecting native seeds in accordance with the provisions of the issued licenses and Acts;
- Taking steps to prevent the spread of Phytophthora dieback to and from work sites;
- Not harming or harassing native fauna, and ensuring that pets are not taken to work sites;
- Wherever possible and appropriate using biodegradable materials;
- Removing all rubbish, packaging materials and seedling pots and trays from its worksites and disposing of it in an appropriate manner, including recycling seedling pots and trays to the supplier, and recycling other materials where practical;
- Removing tree guards installed to temporarily protect plants in their establishment phases at the appropriate time;
- Applying fertiliser strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and project specifications;
- Taking care not to waste water;
- Ensuring that vehicles and equipment are kept properly maintained so as to not discharge lubricants and unburnt fuel into the environment and so that exhaust emissions do not exceed the manufacturer’s specifications;
- Immediately cleaning up any spills in an appropriate manner;
- Using mechanical equipment in accordance with its operating procedures and good work practices to minimise the spread of dust; noise, and vibration;
- Accessing sites only via approved access points, and not making unnecessary tracks on or around work sites; and
- Not lighting fires on work sites, and carrying a fire extinguisher in each vehicle in case of vehicle fires.