Collie Shotts LIA


  • Client:Landcorp
  • Locality:Shire of Collie
  • Summary:After one year of the project's five year timeframe, the revegetation of this 6.2 ha degraded site is already well on track. Following extensive erosion mitigation structure installation, 60,000 seedlings were planted and 12 kg of native seed broadcast.


Collie Shotts SIA

Collie Shotts SIA

Collie Before Pano

The Brief

As part of the development approval for the Collie Shotts Strategic Industrial Park, Landcorp contracted Tranen Revegetation Southwest to undertake rehabilitation works in a 6.2 hectare area adjacent to the development. These works aim to revegetate an area of degraded land with native vegetation reflective of the surrounding natural landscape.  Planted in 2018, the site will be maintained until 2023.

Collie After Pano

Constraints & Issues

  • Highly degraded historical sand quarry;
  • Poor soils with little organic matter / nutrients;
  • Significant erosion issues from uncontrolled stormwater flows;
  • Adjacent to good condition bushland / wetland; and
  • Site spread across multiple vegetation types.

Our Management Approach

  • 3 km of rabbit/kangaroo fencing and firebreak construction;
  • Erosion control works to drainage areas and access tracks;
  • Surface preparation including extensive ripping across 4 ha;
  • Weed and pest control;
  • 12 kg of direct seeding;
  • 60,000 tubestock installed across four revegetation zones;
  • Detailed monitoring design and implementation of program; and
  • On-going monitoring and maintenance over five years. 

The Outcome

Although early in the project’s five year timeframe, revegetation works have exceeded expectations to date. Current stem density and survival rates are high, with negligible losses of any tubestock. Emergence of native seed is extensive across the entire site.

Ongoing monitoring and maintenance will continue over the five year period and initial observations indicate that completion criteria will be easily met and the site will be restored to a fully functioning native ecosystem in the long-term.