
Franklin Wetland Vasse Drone Video

March 12, 2019

Franklin Wetland Vasse Drone Video

The SW team have felt left out of showcasing their projects with the drone.  No more, as late 2018 we were able to revisit their Franklin Wetland project in Vasse to see how it is faring two years after it was handed over to the City of Busselton.  The bird life and vegetation cover speak […]

Honeywood Estate Wetland Rehabilitation Video

August 14, 2017

Honeywood Estate Wetland Rehabilitation Video

Honeywood Estate is home to three Conservation Category Wetlands and one Resource Enhancement Wetland.  These are some of the least disturbed wetlands south of the river. Tranen was priveleged to be tasked with protecting and rehabilitating these areas. Completed in two stages, all targets have been successfully achieved and these areas have now been passed […]